Is a persons Salaah valid if the feet are lifted off the ground during Sajdah?

Q. Is a persons Salaah valid if the feet are lifted off the ground during Sajdah?

A. To place at least one foot or a portion of one foot on the ground for the duration of approximately one or two seconds (one Tasbih) whilst making Sajdah in Salaah is necessary (Waajib). To do so without a valid excuse is disliked (Makrooh). In either case, the Salaah performed will be valid.

However, if one foot or a portion of one foot is not placed on the ground for the duration of one or two seconds (one Tasbih), the Salaah will have to be repeated (Waajibul Iaadah) (Ahsanul Fataawa 3/398)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
