Can a solicitor draw up an un-Islamic will?

Q. As a solicitor, is it permissible for me to draw up a non-Shariah will for my Muslim clients? Will the income from it be Halaal? 

A. It is not permissible for a solicitor to prepare a non-Shariah compliant will for a Muslim client, as it will amount to assisting in sin. Allah Ta’ala mentions:

“Do not assist each other in sin and aggression” (Maaidah)

The wages received from preparing such a will, will be Haraam. It will be necessary for the solicitor to return the money to the Muslim client and, if this is not possible, to dispense of it by giving it to the poor and needy. (Shaami)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
