Can a person make an intention to keep a fast after Sehri has ended?

Q. Can a person make an intention to keep a fardh/sunnah/nafl fast after Sehri has ended?

A. The intention to observe a Fardh, Sunnah or Nafl fast should be made at night, before Dawn (Subah Saadiq). However, if one did not make an intention at night, before Dawn to observe the fast, one may still make an intention to observe a Fardh, Sunnah or Nafl fast until Dahwatul Kubra (close to midday) provided that one did not engage in any acts that would nullify the fast after Dawn.

Dahwatul Kubra is the middle time between Dawn and Sunset. For example, on the 29th of March 2021, the time of Dawn was 4:45 AM and the time of Sunset was 6:00 PM. The total time between Dawn and Sunset is 13 hours 15 Minutes and the middle time between them is 6 and a half hours, 7 minutes and 30 seconds.

Accordingly, if one did not make an intention to observe a Fardh, Nafl or Sunnah fast before Dawn and one wishes to make an intention to observe it after Dawn, one may do so until 11:22:30 AM provided that one did not engage in any acts that would nullify the fast after Dawn. (Lubaab 1/162-Shaami 2/377)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
