Qurbani in Hajj

Q. In a Qiraan, Tamattu’ and Ifraad Hajj, is both; Damm-e-Shukr and the slaughtering of a Qurbani animal necessary?

A. In a Qiraan and Tamattu’ Hajj (an Umrah and Hajj performed in one Ihraam and two Ihraams respectively), one Damm-e-Shukr is Waajib (necessary). In the case of an Ifraad Hajj (a Hajj performed in one Ihraam only), one Damm-e-Shukr is Mustahab (preferable). (Imdaadul Fataawa 2/197)

A Damm-e-Shukr refers to the slaughtering of a small animal for e.g. sheep/goat or one-seventh share of a big animal for e.g. camel/cow/ox/buffalo within the boundaries of the Haram. (Muallimul Hujjaaj 278)

On the other hand, Qurbani is Waajib (necessary) upon every Muslim person who is a Muqeem (non-traveller) and who is the owner of Nisaab during the days of Eid (10, 11,12th of Zul-Hijjah) (Hidaayah 4/355). Hence, if during the days of Eid, a person performing a Qiraan, Tamattu’ and Ifraad Hajj is a Muqeem (non-traveller) and he/she possesses the Nisaab, then apart from Damm-e-Shukr being Waajib (necessary) or Mustahab (preferable), the slaughtering of a Qurbani animal will be Waajib (necessary) as well upon him/her. In this case, the Qurbani can be done within the boundaries of the Haram or at one’s country/home.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

