Who can represent a revert Muslim at the time of Nikah?

Q. Mufti Saheb. Just one question. A revert Muslim is making Nikah. She does not have any Muslim family members. Who can represent her at the Nikah?

A. A mature Muslim woman should appoint her recognized representative in Shariah for e.g. her Muslim father etc. to represent her at the time of the Nikah.

If a mature Muslim woman does not have any recognized representatives available, she should appoint anyone of her Mahrams to represent her at the time of the Nikah. If she does not have any Mahrams available, she may appoint a non-Mahram to represent her at the time of the Nikah. This may be done verbally or in writing. Under all circumstances, all the laws of Hijaab will apply. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah 17/181-Tabyeenul Haqaaiq 2/117)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

