Can a Mutamatti’ perform more than one Umrah before Hajj?

Q. Can a Mutamatti’ perform more than one Umrah before Hajj? Some say that only one Umrah can be performed during Hajj days.

A. A Mutamatti’ refers to one who has donned the Ihraam for Umrah and Hajj with two separate Ihraams during the days of Hajj. After a Mutamatti’ performs Umrah and exits the Ihraam of Umrah, he/she may perform as many Umrahs as possible prior to the days of Hajj.

There is no restriction to limiting a Mutamatti’ in performing one Umrah only during the days of Hajj. A Mutamatti’ should take advantage of valuable time and opportunity and perform as many Umrahs as possible prior to Hajj.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
