In Hajj, on the days of pelting, I noticed that people stand and make Dua after pelting. Is there any basis to it?

Q. In Hajj, on the days of pelting, I noticed that people stand and make Dua after pelting. Is there any basis to it?

A. It is Sunnah to stand and make Dua after pelting the first and second Jamarah on all the days of pelting. However, there is no basis of standing and making Dua after pelting the third Jamarah on all the days of pelting. After pelting the third Jamarah, one should simply walk away making Dua. (Shaami 2/521)

Note: In fulfilling the Sunnah requirement above, one should ensure that no harm or obstruction is caused to anyone in the process.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
