Q. How does a Musalli complete his Maghrib Salaah if he had joined the Imaam in the last Rakaat and he had missed the first and second Rakaat?
A. A Masbooq refers to any person who has joined the Imaam in Salaah after missing any Rakaat of Salaah. After the Imaam makes his second Salaam, a Masbooq will stand up and complete his missed Rakaats of Salaah.
In terms of Qiraat (recitation), a Masbooq will maintain his sequence of Qiraat as a Munfarid (individual person) i.e. he will recite Surah Faatiha and a Surah in the first two Rakaats and Surah Faatiha in the third/Fourth Rakaat only.
In terms of Qad’ah (sitting posture of Tashahhudd), a Masbooq will maintain his sitting postures after the performance of every two Rakaats from the time he joined the Imaam in Salaah.
Hence, in the enquired situation, a Masbooq will stand up and complete his two missed Rakaats of Maghrib Salaah by reciting Surah Faatiha and a Surah in the first and second Rakaat as a Munfarid (individual person) and make Qa’dah (sit) in between them as well. (Tahtaawi Ala Maraaqil Falaah 1/309)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa