If one hears a verse of Sajdah being recited in a congregational Salaah whilst performing his Sunnahs of Salaah, does making the Sajah Tilaawat become necessary (Waajib) upon him? 

Q. It is a common practice for our Imaams to recite Surah Sajdah in our Masaajids at Fajr time on Fridays. A lot of Musallies arrive at the Masjid whilst the Imaam is reciting the verse of Sajdah. Some hear the verse of Sajdah whilst they are performing the Sunnats of Fajr. Some hear it and join the Imaam in Sajdah and others hear it and join the Imaam after he has made Sajdah. Has the Sajdah been done in these situations or it still has to be done?

A. If a person is performing the Sunnats of Fajr and he hears the Imaam reciting a verse of Sajdah in the Fajr Salaah, it will be necessary (Waajib) for him to perform a Sajdah Tilaawat after Salaah. (Shaami 2/105)

If a person joins the Imaam in Sajdah after hearing the Imaam reciting the verse of Sajdah or he joins the Imaam in the same Rakaat of the Sajdah, it will not be necessary (Waajib) for him to make a Sajdah Tilaawat as it would have been considered done by joining the Imaam in the Rakaat of Sajdah. In this situation, if a person joined the Imaam in a Rakaat other than the Rakaat in which he heard the Imaam reciting the verse of Sajdah, the Sajdah will not be considered done and it would remain necessary (Waajib) on him to perform a Sajdah Tilaawat after Salaah. (Hidaayah 1/79)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

