Is the fast of Ramadaan valid if one was unconscious for the duration of the fast? 

Q. My father is old and last year he fell unconscious during the Taraweeh Salaah. He became conscious the following evening after Maghrib Salaah. My father had an intention to fast the following day but he was unconscious the entire day. Does he have to make Qadha of the fast in which he remained unconscious?

A. In principle, the time to make an intention for the fast of Ramadhaan is from Maghrib time until the time of Duha (a period before midday). Hence, in the enquired situation, the fast of your father has been observed even though he was unconscious the following day as he had an intention to fast the following day. Therefore, there is no Qadha of the fast in this situation. More so, being in a state of unconsciousness does not invalidate ones fast. (Haashiyatut-Tahtaawi Ala-Maraaqil-Falaah 2/293)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
