When should a latecomer (Masbooq) stand-up to complete his missed Rakaats of Salaah behind the Imaam? 

Q. If a person missed one or more Rakaats of Salaah and he has to complete the remainder of the Salaah after the Imaam makes Salaam, should he stand up to complete it after the first or second Salaam of the Imaam? Some people do it after the first Salaam and others do it after the second Salaam? Which one is correct?

A. A Masbooq (one who has missed one Rakaat or more in Salaah) should stand up to complete his missed Rakaats of Salaah after the second Salaam of the Imaam. A Masbooq should not stand up to complete his missed Rakaats of Salaah after the first Salaam of the Imaam as there is a possibility of the Imaam making Salaam to perform Sajdah-e-Sahw. (Al Bahrur-Raaiq 2/209)

Therefore, a Masbooq should stand up to complete his missed Rakaats of Salaah after the Imaam makes the second Salaam in order to avoid confusion.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

