If a few drops of semen comes out after performing Ghusal, does the Ghusal have to be repeated? 

Q. After conjugal relations or after experiencing a wet dream, a person performs Ghusal. Thereafter, a few drops of semen comes out. Does this mean that the Ghusal has to be repeated?

A. In principle, if a person performs Ghusal after having conjugal relations or after experiencing a wet dream (Ihtilaam) and thereafter, he/she witnesses a few drops of semen (Mani) coming out from the private parts, then if it occurred after engaging in excessive walking; or after urinating; or sleeping, then it will not be necessary to repeat the Ghusal. In such a case, it will be necessary to repeat the Wudhu.

However, if the few drops of semen (Mani) came out from the private parts before engaging in excessive walking; or before urinating; or sleeping, then it will be necessary to repeat the Ghusal. (Hindiyyah 1/14)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

