Can one perform the 2 Rakaats of Salaatul Ihraam after arriving at the Haram? 

Q. If I forget to perform my two Rakaats of Ihraam at Dubai airport or on the plane, can I perform it after arriving at the Haram?

A. It is Mustahab (preferable) to perform two Rakaah’s of Salaatul Ihraam after adorning the Ihraam and before making the intention of Ihraam. (Shaami 192/8) This should be done before passing the Miqaat (the boundaries of the Haram) and not after passing it. Hence, in the enquired situation, it cannot be done after arriving at the Haram.

The adorning of the Ihraam, the performing of the two Rakaah’s of Salaatul Ihraam and making the intention of Ihraam may be done at Dubai airport or before passing the Miqaat (the boundaries of the Haram) on the plane. As such, you may adopt either of the procedures above that is convenient for you.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
