If a person passed away and had Sajdah Tilawah that he had not completed in his lifetime, how will the family repay it?

Q. If a person passed away and had Sajdah Tilawah that he had not completed in his lifetime, how will the family repay it?

A. When one recites a verse of Sajdah of the Qur’an or hears such a verse, it is Wajib (compulsory) to make Sajdah Tilawah.

It is Makrooh (disliked) to delay the Sajdah Tilawah without valid reason.

If one did not fulfill his/her Wajib Sajdah Tilawah before passing away, there is no Fidyah (compensation) for the omitted Sajdahs. The family should make Istighfar (seek Allah’s forgiveness) on behalf of the deceased. (Imdaadul Fataawa 1/559)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

