What is the complete Sunnah length of the beard? Can the hair between the lower lip and chin be shaved? 

Q. I would like to enquire regarding the growing of the beard, the patch between the lower lip and chin, is it permissible to shave it off completely, while growing the rest of the beard. Under the chin the beard will remain – this is in reference to just the small portion under the lip and above the chin.

A. The beard encompasses the hair grown on and below the entire jawbone, beginning from the visible bone in front of one’s ear to the other ear, including the hair grown between the lower lip and chin (also known as the soul patch).

It is not permissible to remove the hair grown on and below the jawbone, less than the size of one’s own hand fist. It is permissible to trim the hair over and above the size of a hand fist and to remove the hair grown on the cheeks.

It is not permissible to remove the hair grown between the lower lip and chin. (Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah 19/394-395-396)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

