Turning the pages of the Quran with sticky notes

Q. I would like to know if it is permissible for a person without Wudhu to turn the pages of the Quran with sticky notes?

A. The Quraan is the book of Allah and demands the highest level of respect. The Quraan should not be touched unless one is in the state of Wudhu. (Hidaayah)

In the enquired case, although it is permissible to turn the pages of the Quraan with a sticky note, in view of the utmost respect and reverence the Noble Quraan demands, we advise against it.

If one does not have Wudhu and wants to hold or turn the pages of the Quraan, a fresh Wudhu should be made and one may engage in the recital and the turning of the pages of the Quraan.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

