Q. Why is it that the Fajr time on the perpetual Salaah timetable is different to the Fajr time of our local Masjid’s and radio stations?
A. Generally, the Fajr times/Fajr Azaan times of the local Masjid’s and radio stations are different from the Fajr time stated on the perpetual Salaah time tables. This is because the Fajr times/Fajr Azaan times of the local Masjid’s and radio stations are to ensure that the Fajr Salaah is performed in its Mustahab (preferable time) and not at the commencement of Fajr time (non-preferable time).
However, if the Fajr Salaah is performed after the commencement of Fajr time until sunrise, the Fajr Salaah will be valid.
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa