The belief of reincarnation

Q. Is there any belief in Islam that after a person passes away, a person’s soul moves into another form, like a form of an animal, bird or insect and roams around one’s house, family and friends looking over them?

A. The belief in resurrection and life after death is one of the fundamental and core beliefs of Islam.

The belief of reincarnation i.e. believing that one’s soul moves into another living form or body after exiting one’s body in an endless cycle contradicts this fundamental and core belief of Islam. The belief of reincarnation exists most commonly amongst the Hindus, Buddhist, Sikhs and also has roots in Greek philosophy. None of these has any basis in Islam.

As Muslims, we believe that once the soul exits the body, it enters an intermediary state between this world and the hereafter (Barzakh) and remains there until the time of resurrection. When resurrection takes place, the soul is placed in a new body to face Judgement in the court of Allah Ta’ala.

The soul does not move into another living form or body in this world after death and neither does it roam around one’s house, family or friends.

If a Muslim believes in reincarnation and negates the fundamental belief of resurrection and life after death, such a belief takes one out of the fold of Islam. (Ar-Rooh – Ibnul Jawzi 1/114 – Fataawa Darul Uloom 12/215)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
