Performing Taraweeh Salaah in units of 4 Rakaats

Q. What is the ruling on performing Taraweeh Salaah in units of 4 Rakaats?

A. The Sunnah practice of performing Taraweeh Salaah is in units of 2 Rakaats. It is Makrooh-e-Tanzihi (reprehensible) to perform Taraweeh Salaah in units of 4 Rakaats as it is contrary to the Sunnah.

However, if one performed 4 Rakaats of Taraweeh Salaah, the Salaah will be valid provided that one sits for Tashhahhud in the second Rakaat. (Shaami 2/45)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
