What is the minimum age for a boy to become mature (Baaligh)?

Q. My son says that he had a wet dream last night. He is only ten years old. Is he now Baaligh?

A. The Jurists (Fuqahaa) have stated that the minimum age for a boy to become mature (Baaligh) is at 12 years of age, which is based on the majority of cases. However, it is still possible for a boy to become mature even before the age of 12 years.

If a boy experiences a wet dream or ejaculation before the age of 12 years, he will be counted as a mature person.

Therefore, in the enquired case, your 10-year-old son will be considered a mature person if he has experienced a wet dream. (Badaai-us-Sanaai’ 7/171; Tabyeenul Haqaaiq 5/203)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

