Does the husband remain financially responsible for his wife if she leaves the home?

Q. Does the husband remain financially responsible for his wife if she leaves the home?

A. A husband remains financially responsible for his wife throughout the period of their marriage. If they separate during the period of their marriage, then the following rules apply:

  1. If the wife leaves the marital home with the permission or consent of the husband, the husband remains financially responsible for his wife.
  2. If the wife is forced to leave the marital home due to the husband neglecting or abusing her rights, the husband remains financially responsible for his wife.
  3. If the wife leaves the marital home without the permission or consent of the husband on her own accord and without a valid reason, the husband does not remain financially responsible for the wife until she returns to the marital home. (Shaami 3/576 – Fataawa Mahmoodiyyah 510/511)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
