Q. Does a person in the state of Janaabat, a woman in the state of Haidh or Nifaas, a Majnoon or a child have to make Sajdah if they recite a verse of Sajdah Tilaawat or hear it being recited?
A. In the enquired case, the performance of Sajdah Tilaawat becomes compulsory (Waajib) on the following people:
1) A person who recites or hears a verse of Sajdah Tilaawat whilst in the state of major impurity (Janaabat).
2) A person who hears a verse of Sajdah Tilaawat from another person who is in the state of major impurity (Janaabat).
3) A person who hears a verse of Sajdah Tilaawat from a woman who is in the state of menstruation (Haidh) or Post-Natal Bleeding (Nifaas), or a child (Non-Baaligh) who can differentiate between right and wrong.
However, the performance of Sajdah Tilawaat is not compulsory (Waajib) on the following people:
A person who recites or hears a verse of Sajdah Tilaawat while in the state of menstruation (Haidh) or Post-Natal Bleeding (Nifaas), or is mentally incapacitated (Majnoon), or a child (Non-Baaligh).
N.B. Whilst it is sinful to recite a verse of Sajdah Tilaawat in the state of major impurity (Janaabat), menstruation (Haidh) and Post-Natal Bleeding (Nifaas), the relevant rules as stated above are still applicable. (Shaami 2/107 – Ahsanul Fataawa 4/60)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa