Q. Can a person wear a mask in the state of Ihraam due to health reasons?
A. If due to health reasons, one is required to wear a mask in the state of Ihraam and it covers a quarter or more of the face (which is usually the case) for a full day or a full night (12 hours or more), then it will be necessary (Waajib) upon a person to compensate for it in any one of the following three ways:
1. Offer a penalty (Damm) by slaughtering one animal (sheep or goat) within the boundaries of the Haram
2. Offer the Sadaqatul Fitr value to six poor and needy people at any place and at any time
3. Fast for three days consecutively or separately
If on the other hand, the mask covers a quarter or more of the face for less than a full day or a full night (less than 12 hours), or if it covers less than a quarter of the face for any amount of time, then it will be necessary (Waajib) to compensate for it in any one of the following two ways:
1. Offer the Sadaqatul-Fitr value to one poor and needy person at any place and at any time
2. Fast for one day (Ahsanul Fataawa 4/543)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa