The Urine & Stool Of Qurbani/Halaal Animals and the performance of Salaah

Q. If the urine or stool of a sheep, goat, cow etc. soils one’s clothing especially during the days of Qurbani, can Salaah be performed with that clothing?

A. The status of performing Salaah with clothing that has been soiled with urine and/or stool of Halaal/Qurbani animals (Sheep, Goats, Cows etc.) are as follows:

  1. Urine of Halaal/Qurbani animals – It is classified as Najaasat Khafeefah (light impurity). This means that Salaah is permitted with it provided that the soiled area it is not more than one quarter of a portion of one’s clothing (if the sleeve، collar etc. is soiled) or of one’s body (if the hand, arm etc. is soiled). It is not permitted to perform Salaah with such clothing if the soiled area is more than one quarter of one’s clothing or of one’s body.
  2. Stool of Halaal/Qurbani animals – It is classified as Najaasat Ghaleezah (heavy impurity). This means that Salaah is permitted with it provided that the soiled area is not equivalent to a Dirham.* It is not permitted to perform Salaah with such clothing if the soiled area is more than the size of a Dirham.*

* A Dirham refers to the Islamic silver coin that was approx. 2.75cm in diameter. It is equivalent to the size of the old 50 cent coin and is 2mm larger than the current R5 coin (South Africa). (Lubaab 1/52 – Ahsanul Fataawa Vol. 1 pg. 89)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
