Q. If one arrives late for Salaah and the Imaam is getting up from Ruku’, at which point can one join the Imaam for the Rakaat to be counted?
A. If a follower joins the Salaah when the Imaam is in the Ruku’ position and then proceeds to join the Imaam while the Imaam is rising from Ruku’, the Rakaat of the follower will be counted as long as the motion of the follower going into Ruku’ coincides at any point with the motion of the Imaam rising from Ruku’.
If the Imaam completely stands up in the Qiyaam (standing) posture of Salaah before the follower begins bowing for Ruku’, the Rakaat of the follower will be counted as missed and must be made up after the Imaam completes the Salaah. (Binaayah 2/579)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa