What was the number of stairs of the Mimbar of Rasulullah Sallallah Alayhi Wasallam?

Q. The Mimbar in our Masjid is three stairs. I’d like to know the number of stairs of the Mimbar of Rasulullah Sallallah Alaihi Wasallam and can it be more or less?

A. The Mimbar (pulpit) of Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam consisted of three stairs. To increase or decrease the number of stairs on a Mimbar is permissible. However, it is more virtuous (Awla) to limit the number of stairs on a Mimbar to three. (Ahsanul Fataawa 4/130)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

