Q. If a person vomits a mouthful or less than a mouthful, does it break ones Wudhu and Fast?
A. In the case of Wudhu, if a person vomits less than a mouthful, it will not nullify the Wudhu. However, if a person vomits a mouthful or more, it will nullify the Wudhu. (Maraaqil Falaah 1/39)
In terms of fasting, if a person vomits a mouthful or more intentionally, it will nullify the fast. Generally, in any other case, the fast will not be nullified.
Therefore, if a person vomits less than a mouthful, it will not nullify the Wudhu or fast. However, if a person vomits a mouthful or more intentionally, it will nullify the Wudhu and fast, but if it was unintentional, it will only nullify the Wudhu and not the fast.
Note: A mouthful refers to that which cannot be kept in the mouth without difficulty.
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa