Q. If a person forgets to perform two Rakaats after the Tawaaf of Hajj or Umrah, is there a penalty for it?
A. It is Waajib (compulsory) to perform two Rakaats Salaat-ut-Tawaaf after every Tawaaf. Hence, the performance of two Rakaats Salaat-ut-Tawaaf after the Tawaaf of Hajj or Umrah will still remain Waajib (compulsory) on a person in his lifetime if has forgotten to do so. However, to delay it and perform it at a place other than the Haram is Makrooh (disliked).
In this case, there is no penalty (Damm) for delaying it. (Muallimul Hujjaaj 139)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa