Does the performance of Salaah in a Musallah hold the same reward as performing Salaah in a Masjid?

Q. Does the performance of Salaah in a Musallah hold the same reward as performing Salaah in a Masjid?

A. The reward for performing Salaah in a Masjid is much more rewarding than Salaah performed in a Musallah. Therefore, an endeavor should be made by all to perform Salaah in a Masjid as it is more beneficial and rewarding for a person.

Note: It has come to our notice that many Muslims have established Musallahs in flats and apartments for convenience purposes to offer Salaah whereas it is possible for them to perform Salaah at a Masjid in the area. In such cases, Muslims should be motivated to perform Salaah in the Masjid and not at the Musallah.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
