Purchasing a repaired vehicle which was not actually repaired

Q. I am in a vehicle motor business. My associate offered to sell me a car. The engine of the car needed to be changed. My associate claimed to have replaced a new engine in the car. After my associate claimed to have replaced a new engine in the car, I accepted the offer of my associate and purchased the car from him. Subsequently, the engine of the car seized. Thereafter, I asked my associate what was the reason for the new engine seizing and he replied, “I only changed the water pump” Please advise, am I obliged to keep the car or return it?

A. If the seller of the vehicle claimed to have repaired the vehicle and sold it to you and after purchasing the vehicle, it became known to you that the vehicle was not fully repaired, then you may keep the vehicle or return the vehicle to its original owner and claim your money. (Shaami)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

