Q. A womans Haidh habit is 7 days. If her blood stops on the 5th day, is it permissible for such a woman to engage in conjugal relations with her husband before the 7th day?
A. In this case, there are 3 possible scenarios that may apply:
Ruling: It is not permissible for her to engage in conjugal relations with her husband until she completes her habit of 7 days. She is obliged to continue with performing Salaah and Fasting (after taking a Ghusal).
Ruling: It is permissible for her to engage in conjugal relations with her husband after she takes a Ghusal or if one Salaah time lapses. She is obliged to continue with performing Salaah and Fasting.
Ruling: It is permissible for her to engage in conjugal relations with her husband prior to taking a Ghusal, although it is disliked. She is obliged to continue with performing Salaah and Fasting.
In the enquired case, the ruling of the first scenario will apply i.e. it is not permissible for her to engage in conjugal relations with her husband until she completes her habit of 7 days. (Dhukrul Mutaahhileen Wannisaa’)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa