Bathing (Ghusl) of a Covid 19 deceased body

Q. If a person passed away in the state of Janabat, Haidh or Nifaas, is it necessary to put water into their nose or mouth to fulfil the Fardh of Ghusl when washing their body? Due to covid protocols, no water is put into the nose or mouth. Will the Ghusl still be valid?

A. It is obligatory (فرض) to wash the entire body of the deceased (ميت) once at the time of bathing (غسل) the deceased (ميت). The cleansing of the nose and mouth (مضمضة واستنشاق) is not obligatory (فرض) when bathing (غسل) the deceased (ميت).

Hence, if the deceased (ميت) is in a state of major ritual impurity (جنابة), menstruation (حيض) or post-natal bleeding (نفاس), it is not obligatory (فرض) to cleanse the nose and mouth (مضمضة واستنشاق) at the time of bathing (غسل) the deceased (ميت).

In addition, if due to covid protocols, the nose and mouth (مضمضة واستنشاق) are not cleansed at the time of bathing (غسل), the bathing (غسل) of the deceased will be valid and complete. (رد المحتار على الدر المختار 2/195/196)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
