Can a woman stay in another city without a Mahram? 

Q. I am married and live in Durban. My sister lives in Johannesburg and her daughter is making Nikah in a Months’ time. My husband is working and cannot accompany me to Johannesburg to help with the pre-Nikah and Walimah preparations except for a short period of time. Can my husband fly with me as my Mahram to Johannesburg, leave me at my sister’s place and fly back the same day whilst I remain in Johannesburg to help with the pre-Nikah and Walimah preparations?

A. In terms of Shariah, it is a requirement for a woman to be accompanied with a Mahram for the duration of the travel journey if she intends travelling the distance of 78 kilometres or more.

Hence, in the enquired case, if your husband accompanies you as a Mahram for the duration of the travel journey from Durban to Johannesburg and leaves you at your sister’s home and then returns to Durban, the requirement of being accompanied with a Mahram for the duration of the travel journey will be fulfilled. However, you will be required again to be accompanied with a Mahram if you intend travelling the distance of 78 kilometres or more from your sisters’ home.

In all circumstances, the proper laws of Hijaab must be observed. (Tabyeenul Haqaaiq 2/6)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
