Q. How far or close should a woman keep her feet from each other when standing in Salaah? Is there any difference between a man and woman?
A. As a general rule, men and women should spread their feet to the extent of four fingers from each other whilst in the standing posture of Salaah as this assists one to focus and remain at ease for the duration of the Salaah.
In this regard, there is no difference with regards to spreading the feet for men and women whilst in the standing posture of Salaah. Therefore, it is incorrect for men or women to join their feet or to spread their feet excessively whilst in the standing posture of Salaah. Both should keep their feet spread to the extent of four fingers whilst in the standing posture of Salaah.
It is also allowed to spread the feet more than four fingers if the gap of four fingers is uncomfortable to maintain. (Shaami 1/444 – Maraaqil Falaah 1/98 – Imdaadul Ahkaam 1/466 – Najmul Fataawa 2/272/273)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa