Delaying the performance of a posture in Salaah

Q. During Salaah, if one falls into deep thoughts and delays performing the next posture of Salaah, but continues performing the Salaah, is the Salaah still valid?

A. If a person delays the performance of a posture of Salaah due to falling into deep thoughts for the duration in takes to recite the 3 Tasbeehs in Ruku’ or Sajdah (approximately 5 seconds), it will necessitate the performance of a Sajdah Sahw to compensate for it.

If the delay is less than this duration of time, the performance of a Sajdah Sahw will not be necessary and the Salaah will remain valid. (Tahtaawi Ala Maraaqil Falaah 1/474)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
