Can a Muslim be buried in a coffin or casket and can a Muslim sell them? 

Q. Can a Muslim be buried in a coffin or casket and can a Muslim sell them? 

A. In normal circumstances, it is disliked (Makrooh) to use a coffin or casket to bury the deceased’s body. However, if there is a need for it, such as the ground being soft, wet or loose, it would be permitted to use a coffin or casket to bury the deceased’s body to protect the deceased’s body from being exposed.

In regards to the sale of coffins or caskets, there is no prohibition for a Muslim to sell coffins or caskets. The income derived from the sale of coffins or caskets is permissible. (Shaami 2/234 – Durarul Hukkaam 1/167 – Al Bahrur-Raaiq 2/209)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
