Q. There are many shampoos, hair conditioners, creams and make-ups available in the market Today that contain Placental Enzymes. Is it permissible to use and apply such products that contain Placental Enzymes?
A. The usage, application, purchase and sale of products containing Placental Enzymes such as shampoos, hair conditioners, creams etc. is permissible provided that the Placental Enzymes are not derived from human or pig sources.
As the Placenta is a non-living organism (ما لا تحله الحياة), it is not subject to the legal Shari’ processes of slaughter to render it permissible or Halaal.
Thus, it is permissible to use, apply, purchase and sell products that contain Placental Enzymes regardless of whether or not the legal Shari’ processes of slaughter was observed provided that they are not derived from human or pig sources. (Shaami 5/73 – Al-Bahrur-Raaiq 1/112 – Inaayah 1/96)
Allah Ta’ala Knows Best
Mufti Ismaeel Bassa