A Hanafi Reading Zuhr Salaah after the Shafi time of Zuhr Salaah has expired

Q. Please explain the following. For Hanafis. Zuhr Salaah was missed. By the time I came home Shaafi Asr time had started. When and how many rakaahs of Zuhr has to be performed.

A. A Hanafi should follow the rules of the Hanafi school of thought and likewise, a Shafi should follow the rules of the Shafi school of thought. The same applies to them following the respective times of Salaah.

As such, a Hanafi will follow the Hanafi time of Zuhr Salaah, which commences from Zawaal at 12:01 PM and terminates at 04:16 PM as of 29/03/2019. A Shafi will follow the Shafi time of Zuhr Salaah, which commences at 12:01 PM and terminates at 03:24 PM.

In the inquired situation, if the Shafi time of Zuhr Salaah terminated and the Shafi Asr time commenced (3:24 PM), a Hanafi will still perform the full Zuhr Salaah as the Hanafi time of Zuhr Salaah has not yet terminated (04:16 PM).

N.B. The Shafi time of Zuhr Salaah expires before the Hanafi time of Zuhr Salaah expires.

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa

