Touching the Quran and Islamic Books in the state of Haidh

Q. Can a woman in the state of Haidh touch a book of Tafseer, Hadith, Duas or any book of Islamic literature?

A. It is permissible for a woman in the state of menses (Haidh) to read or touch any book except the Holy Quran. Therefore, a woman in menses may read or touch books of Tafseer, Hadith, Duas and Islamic literature in general.

This ruling is subject to the content of Quran being lesser than the content of Tafseer, Hadith, Duas and Islamic literature. In such a case, it will not be permissible for a woman in menses to touch the printed verses of the Holy Quran.

If however, the content on Quran is more, then it takes the ruling of touching the Quran ie. it will not be permissible to touch it without Wudhu.

N.B. In normal circumstances, it is preferable (Mustahab) to touch such books in the state of Wudhu. (Shaami 1/177-Tahtaawi Ala Maraaqil Falaah 1/83-Ahsanul Fataawa 2/71)

Allah Ta’ala Knows Best

Mufti Ismaeel Bassa
